Dear Partner!

Under Income Tax Act No 595/2003 Coll., you too can exercise your right to donate 2% or 3% of your annual personal income taxes. We kindly ask you to support the nonprofit organization PRO SELYE UNIVERSITAS n.o. and its activities and please also do communicate this opportunity to your friends! PRO SELYE UNIVERZITAS n.o. (hereinafter referred to as PSU) is a nonprofit organization working alongside J. Selye University. It has been founded to further J. Selye University (the only minority university in Slovakia), its activities and objectives. Thanks to subsidies, donations and support that our organization has received so far, we managed to fund scientific and professional conferences, field trips, textbooks, scientific and professional publications and other professional events. All of our projects have served to further the development of J. Selye University and of the ethnic Hungarian intelligentsia in Slovakia.

2% or 3% of personal income taxes can be donated as follows:

Natural persons filing their taxes individually - i.e. some employees and entrepreneurs - need to file a tax return with the tax office with jurisdiction over the territory of their permanent residence address by 31 March 2025. In this case, they can name the organization they wish to give 2% or 3% of their taxes to in the tax return by filling out the relevant part.

Employed natural persons who wish to have their employer file their taxes for them need to request their employer to do so by 15 February 2025. Employers can be requested to issue a certificate stating the amount of tax paid (Potvrdenie o zaplatení dane) by filling out part VII of the relevant form (Žiadosť o vykonanie ročného zúčtovania). Then you need to fill out a declaration of offering 2% or 3% of the taxes (Vyhlásenie o poukázaní podielu zaplatenej dane z príjmov fyzickej osoby) based on this certificate. The declaration, together with the certificate issued by the employer, needs to be filed with the tax office with jurisdiction over the territory of the address of permanent residence by 30 April 2025. The minimum amount of taxes natural persons can offer to donate is € 3.00 .

The data for PSU: 

IČO/SID: 50057391 [identification number]
Právna forma: n.o. [legal form]

Obchodné meno (názov): PRO SELYE UNIVERZITAS n.o. [name/business name].
Sídlo - Ulica: Dunajské nábrežie [Seat - Street]

Číslo: 12 [Number]
PSČ: 945 01 [postal code]

Obec: Komárno [Town]

We appreciate your contribution to the activities of the nonprofit PSU!

PhDr. Ádám Czibula, PhD.

the Director of PSU